Drepung Kongpo Khangtsen Monks UK Peace Tour

Drepung KK monks.jpg

The purpose of the Lelung Dharma Trust's Shide-Peace project is to bring peace to the UK and also globally and in order to help raise awareness of this the Lelung Dharma Trust is bringing a group of Tibetan monks to the UK. Through doing this it hopes to generate positive energy for world peace. www.shide-peace.org

Also the monks need some help as they had to build new accommodation and need support for this project. Therefore the Trust is also organising this peace tour to help them. This tour is relying mainly on donation based funding and therefore any donation made will help the monks' project and all donations will go to the monks. www.drepungkongpokhangtsenmonks.org

During their UK Peace Tour the monks will be creating beautiful sand mandalas made from millions of grains of coloured sand and also performing 'Sacred Music

Dance from the Land of the Snow'. With rich overtone chanting, meditative prayer, traditional costumes, ceremonial masks and the use of Tantric instruments they will evoke the atmosphere of sacred Tibet.

Tour Schedule - www.drepungkongpokhangtsenmonks.org

24-26 Oct  Pinner, Sand Mandala    www.heathrobinsonmuseum.org

28-30 Oct   Shrewsbury, Sand Mandala  www.shropshiremusictrust.co.uk

31 Oct  Shrewsbury,   Sacred Music and Dance from the Land of the Snow   www.shropshiremusictrust.co.uk

1 Nov  Stapleford,  Sacred Music and Dance from the Land of the Snow www.staplefordgranary.org.uk

 3 Nov   North Harrow,   Sacred Music and Dance from the Land of the Snow  www.lelung.org

 4-7 Nov  London, British Library,    Sand Mandala, www.bl.uk

 14-17Nov  Leeds, Sand Mandala  and   Sacred Music and Dance from the Land of the Snow     www.jamyangleeds.co.uk

18-20 Nov  London, St James’  Piccadilly Sand Mandala www.alternatives.org.uk

18 Nov   London,  St James’ Piccadilly  Tibetan Sacred Arts: Creating a Sand Mandala, Long Life Ceremony and Powerful Chants www.alternatives.org.uk

23 Nov London, SOAS, Tibet Foundation Day   www.tibet-foundation.org

28 Nov    Cheltenham,   Sacred Music and Dance from the Land of the Snow  www.isbourne.org

29 Nov  Bradford on Avon,   Sacred Music and Dance from the Land of the Snow   www.wiltshiremusic.org.uk

5-8 Dec  Hackney, Sand Mandala  www.lekdanling.org